
Hi, I'm Brandon Chan.


Lifestyle 🏃

Learn to create effective habits and goals which will improve your productivity and well-being.

Code 👨‍💻

Inspired by everything software related? Join me in becoming a pragmatic programmer.

Art 🖌️

Learn to express your creativity and show to the world what your story is.

Life Offline

What It's Like To Work As A Programmer
• 5 min read

I’ve tried to explain what I do at my job as a programmer to my family and friends. Still, they often seem to get lost...
I Changed My Eating Habits
• 6 min read

People always told me that I like unhealthy food. Everything from pizza, hot dogs, hamburgers, ice cream, and candies to everything deep-fried tastes so good....
I Joined Toastmasters And There Was No Toast
• 7 min read

I joined Toastmasters at the beginning of May 2021 and left five months later in October 2021. In this post, I will describe my experience...
I Made a Habit of Drawing Everyday
• 5 min read

What a ride this experience was! Inktober is something I’ve seen others do in the past but never joined due to either being too busy...
what is the point of... Art?
• 7 min read

First I would like to preface that defining art is pretty much impossible. Art can be objective or subjective based on our personal preference towards...
what is the point of... Trust?
• 6 min read

Trust is everywhere. Our relationship with friends, family and strangers is built upon trust, but should we really be trusting each other so easily? The...
what is the point of... Introversion?
• 6 min read

I am introverted and you are too. Introversion and extroversion, which were popularized by the psychologist Carl Jung, are the parts of us that either...
what is the point of... Procrastination?
• 5 min read

Procrastination, the antithesis of productivity. We have all been there, we’re trying to get work done when suddenly we’re browsing the internet with its endless...
what is the point of... Note-Taking?
• 5 min read

I feel like everyone can see the benefits of taking notes. It helps us to prioritize our tasks, keep an archive that can be referenced...
what is the point of... Sleep?
• 8 min read

You probably already know that we all need sleep and that it’s important for us to get enough of it, but what is enough? Also,...
what is the point of... Meditation?
• 6 min read

As you may have noticed by now I read a lot about productivity. During my research, I have always stumbled upon people who advocate heavily...
what is the point of... Reading Books?
• 4 min read

We invented books so our knowledge can be carried onto others. One of the reasons why I started this blog is because I realize how...
what is the point of... Habits?
• 8 min read

You do not rise to level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems. - James Clear Lately, I have been very...
what is the point of... New Year Resolutions?
• 5 min read

Is there a reason to create new year resolutions? It’s just a way for us to make unrealistic goals only to forget about them and...
Decorate My Christmas Tree
• 1 min read

what is the point of... Home Cooking?
• 7 min read

I love cooking. It not only gives me satisfaction to cook something delicious but also allows me to make something for others to enjoy. However,...
what is the point of... Exercise?
• 4 min read

Recently, I lost my motivation to workout. I gave myself excuses, saying I am too busy with other work when in actuality, I just did...
10 Personal Finance Lessons School Didn't Teach You
• 23 min read

Keep in mind that a lot of content written in this post were taken from various sources. Please click into the links to dive deeper...
Welcome To My Website
• 3 min read

Who are you? I’m Brandon. I know, isn’t it shocking that my name is the exact same as this site! Jokes aside, in the past...
Stop Searching For Your Passion (Just Start)
• 7 min read

Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself - George Bernard Shaw Start With Your Options “What do I do with my life...
Resources I Use To Stay Motivated And Productive
• 8 min read

This post contains many helpful tips that I use on a daily basis to stay motivated and productive. If I ever feel like procrastinating I...
5 Principles Boxing Has Taught Me
• 4 min read

Boxing, which many see as a violent sport about knocking the opponent out, has taught me many important ideologies that have aided me in also...


I Joined Toastmasters And There Was No Toast
• 7 min read

I joined Toastmasters at the beginning of May 2021 and left five...
what is the point of... Introversion?
• 6 min read

I am introverted and you are too. Introversion and extroversion, which were...
what is the point of... Procrastination?
• 5 min read

Procrastination, the antithesis of productivity. We have all been there, we’re trying...
what is the point of... Note-Taking?
• 5 min read

I feel like everyone can see the benefits of taking notes. It...
what is the point of... Sleep?
• 8 min read

You probably already know that we all need sleep and that it’s...
what is the point of... Meditation?
• 6 min read

As you may have noticed by now I read a lot about...
what is the point of... Reading Books?
• 4 min read

We invented books so our knowledge can be carried onto others. One...
what is the point of... Habits?
• 8 min read

You do not rise to level of your goals. You fall to...
what is the point of... New Year Resolutions?
• 5 min read

Is there a reason to create new year resolutions? It’s just a...
what is the point of... Home Cooking?
• 7 min read

I love cooking. It not only gives me satisfaction to cook something...
what is the point of... Exercise?
• 4 min read

Recently, I lost my motivation to workout. I gave myself excuses, saying...
Stop Searching For Your Passion (Just Start)
• 7 min read

Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself - George...
Resources I Use To Stay Motivated And Productive
• 8 min read

This post contains many helpful tips that I use on a daily...
5 Principles Boxing Has Taught Me
• 4 min read

Boxing, which many see as a violent sport about knocking the opponent...

🚩 Highlights

🥊 Life Hacks