Posted on 15 Nov 2020, in Life Offline.


Who are you?

I’m Brandon. I know, isn’t it shocking that my name is the exact same as this site! Jokes aside, in the past I believe others would perceive me as the short quiet Asian kid, but I feel like that doesn’t fit me anymore. I’m trying my best to change that label to instead be the hardworking, intelligent, and strong Asian kid.

How have you been?

I’ve been surviving this difficult year quite well, other than not being able to socialize as much. I changed my mindset to think of this tough year as an opportunity instead of a hindrance. I’ve been working on a bunch of personal projects like this website, I had a good spree doing morning jogs everyday and made a couple of animations.

What have you been up to recently?

Mainly my time has been spent working at my job as a Business Intelligence Developer at Powerex. Outside of my job I have been working on this website, binge watching Money Heist, and learning to create some pixel art for a video game I am hoping to develop.

What posts will there be on this website?

I made this website so I can post anything I find interesting or useful to others. You will find updates on my latest projects as well as any random nuggets of information that I think deserve more exposure.

Here are some upcoming posts titles I have planned:

  1. 5 Personal Finance Lessons School Didn’t Teach You
  2. Why You Should Use A Note Taking App
  3. How To Win An Argument
  4. Common Myths You Should Stop Believing In
  5. My Experience With PRK Laser Eye Surgery

Do you have anything posted right now?

Yup! You can find them at under Latest Posts, clicking on the tab or by searching in the sidebar.

Here are some posts that I think most people will find useful/interesting:

Resources I Use To Stay Motivated And Productive This post contains many helpful tips that I use on a daily basis to stay motivated and productive. If I ever feel like procrastinating I usually refer to these resources to get back on track. I’m hoping this helps you too! link- Rules for Life.png

Stop Searching For Your Passion (Just Start) Life Isn’t About Finding Yourself. Life Is About Creating Yourself link- Cuban.png

How Do I Support You?

You can follow me on these social media platforms:

Otherwise, the best way to support, is by upvoting my posts. It helps me know if my content is good or if I need any improvements. Any critiques are welcome so please let me know what you think of my website so far. Thanks for reading and don’t be a stranger! Let me know how you have been doing as well.