Posted on 09 Aug 2020, in Videos.

Descriptions included in this post may not be 100% accurate. It’s been a while since I took these courses so I may have forgotten some things.

Below are the projects I worked on at SFU for their IAT program.

“It’s a program for technologists, artists, designers and theorists to learn to collaborate in innovative research and immersive studies. It combines the science of human experience, the analysis of media and culture, the creation of original and experimental works of art, and the implementation of new technologies.”

Kinetic Typography - IAT 100

Project Description

Kinetic typography—the technical name for “moving text”—is an animation technique mixing motion and text to express ideas using video animation. We learned how to create animations and how it important it is to have it sync with the audio.

Geometry Wars Game - IAT 167

Project Description

Made to learn object-oriented game development using processing. Our task was to create a game using the software called processing. Learned that all games are made out of an update method to create the continous flow, a way to detect collision and proper organization of classes to reuse already implemented methods.


Target Hack - IAT 267

Project Description

Introduction to the core technologies and systems used in media-rich interactive environments, including computer hardware, input and output technologies and media. Tasked to purchase a toy and hack it using arduinos, electric wires and sensors. Learned how to read the signal from the sensor and output light/sound indicators when the sensor was hit.

Mobile Development - IAT 381

Project Description

Learned about mobile development using android studio. Later used the library LibGDX to create a game following a tutorial I found below. The requirement was to have at least two of the sensors on the phone used. The game used the gyroscope for the controls and the Wifi card to be able to share the highscores.