coverimg Posted on 01 Jan 2021, in Life Offline.

Is there a reason to create new year resolutions? It’s just a way for us to make unrealistic goals only to forget about them and not follow through. So why do so many people create them?

The Problem With New Year Resolutions

  1. They’re just a want, a wish, a vague idea.
  2. Created during an arbitrary moment in time where we decide that we need to make a big change. In actuality, we can make these goals at any time of the year.
  3. When we don’t achieve our goals, we will wait a whole year to reflect on them again. We don’t reflect on these resolutions enough.
  4. A reset button for the things we’ve done wrong in the past. A new year does not magically make us a new and better person. We cannot truly be a better person until we redeem ourselves of our mistakes.
  5. Motivation comes and goes. We are creatures of habit, meaning if we don’t create a routine we will fall back into our bad habits.

Do We Need New Year Resolutions?

We don’t necessarily need a new year resolution. However, making resolutions and reflecting on oneself is important. Resolutions give us something to look forward to and keep working towards. Even if we make mistakes and don’t reach our resolution, making it shows our resolve to change and become a better person.

How To Keep Your New Years Resolution

OKRs: Using Them to Write New Year’s Resolutions We’ve been using our personal New Year’s resolutions at Qulture.Rocks to learn and teach basic concepts of how OKRs should work, and we’re not alone. link-

  1. Set the vision: Imagine what you want the end result to look like.
  2. Cluster and prioritize: Group your resolutions and set priorities. Do first things first.
  3. Draft your OKRs (Objective and Key Results): Draft your objectives and outcomes. Use the SMART method to create your objective. This is to determine what you want to achieve and how you will achieve them.
  4. Define your action plan: Take a look back at the draft and determine if the key results are measureable. Be specific.

When creating an OKR ask yourself these questions:

  1. What do you want to achieve?
  2. How are you going to measure success?
  3. What are you going to do to make progress?

Example of an OKR:

Objective: Lose 10lbs By June 1st

Key Result 1: Go to gym twice a week

Key Result 2: Run 10k every week

Key Result 3: No fast food for a month

Key Result 4: Learn to cook a healthy meal on the weekends

Things to keep in mind:

  1. Don’t be hard on yourself.
  2. Don’t think of success from motivation, will power and self control. Think instead by small goals and small wins.
  3. Pick ambitious goals that will challenge (but still within reach).
  4. Be Proactive. Focus on what you can control.
  5. Start with the task you are able to do first.
  6. Create a habit.

What to Do When You’re Too Lazy to Stick to Your Habits The first 83 people to sign up with this link will get 20% of their annual subscription to Brilliant: Huge thanks to Brill… link-

Most Common New Year Resolutions - How To Get Started

I’ve compiled a list of resolutions that most people make and a link that will hopefully get you started.

  1. Lose Weight: Weight Loss 101 | The Fitness Wiki Introduction There is an illusion of complexity to weight loss (perpetuated largely by people who want your money) but it is actually very straightforward. Your body requires a certain amount of en… link-

  2. Save Money: budgeting - PersonalFinanceCanada The PersonalFinanceCanada community on Reddit. Reddit gives you the best of the internet in one place. link-

  3. Lose A Bad Habit or An Addiction: Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong | Johann Hari What really causes addiction — to everything from cocaine to smart-phones? And how can we overcome it? Johann Hari has seen our current methods fail firsthan… link-

  4. Eat More Healthy: FROM A PROFESSIONAL CHEF TO YOU: The tricks that anyone should know when they buy food. I wager everyone here knows some of these things, but I’m gonna list everything I can think of in regards to eating healthy and well. I’m gonna… from_a_professional_chef_to_you_the_tricks_that/ link-

  5. Exercise More: Getting Started with Fitness | The Fitness Wiki Tips to start achieving your fitness goals link-

  6. Learn Something New And Stop Procrastinating: How to Learn: Pretty Much Anything Everything I’ve learned about learning. link-


I think the most exciting part of new years resolutions is that we are going through this change together. Some people may look down upon the many posts about starting a new years resolution, but I think it is something wonderful and should be looked on in a more positive light. New year resolutions are a great reminder that we all are striving to become better than we were before.

“You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” - C.S Lewis