coverimg Posted on 20 Mar 2021, in Life Offline.

We invented books so our knowledge can be carried onto others. One of the reasons why I started this blog is because I realize how important it is to share information with one another. Many authors realize this as well, and have used this medium to spread their views and experiences to everyone. But why should we be reading books when we have access to the internet? Is there any reason for us to read books anymore?

The Importance Of Books

Imagination is more important than knowledge. For while knowledge defines all we currently know and understand, imagination points to all we might yet discover and create. - Albert Einstein

Reading is a very introverted activity. While we can watch movies and TV shows together and easily discuss the actor’s interpretation of the characters, it’s harder to discuss what we read because we can all have different interpretations of the book. This is not a bad thing since it trains our minds to use our imagination and form our own opinions.

Fiction: It’s An Escape


Stories take us on a journey away from our problems. They help us learn from the characters experiences in that other world. We enjoy reading about characters similar to us and how they overcome their challenges. As an example, a psychotherapist named Jillian Lynch explained how the Lord of the Rings can be used to help us understand what the struggle of addiction is like, as Frodo journeys to destroy the ring and resist the temptations.

A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies… The man who never reads lives only one. -George R.R. Martin

  1. Relieves Stress And Lessons The Symptoms Of Depression
  2. Improves Our Empathy
  3. Strengthens Our Worldview and Convictions
  4. Inspires Us On Our Own Journey’s
  5. Challenges Our Imagination

Non-Fiction: Learn About Anything


Elon Musk was once asked how he got into rocketry after being the CEO of his company at SpaceX, he replied “I just started reading books”. We should all aim to do this. Research using long-form content like books rather than relying on a quick google search or a short youtube video. If we think of life as a video game, we can think of books as the strategy guides from players who previously played the game. We are able to learn from their mistakes and improve upon them. I highly encourage everyone to pick up a non-fiction book every once in a while as it seems very underrated compared to how useful they really are.

Reading Is Difficult To Get In The Habit Of

Most of us have this negative connotation when we think about reading, as we have these scars from school bombarding us with textbooks and research papers we really don’t care about. Our learning style might even lean towards something visual rather than conceptual. These are all valid reasons to give up on books but, I think there are some other underlying reasons we also need to consider.

It’s A Commitment

The caveat of getting more information in books than other media is that it takes more time to consume. There are even a lot of articles and videos out there that try to teach us how to read faster.

  • In order to make this easier, try to make reading a priority. Plan out the rest of your day so that you have enough time to read. If you are forgetful like me, try putting your book next to your bed.

It’s Too Quiet

We are afraid of being in a quiet environment. You’ll notice this when you walk into any grocery store, as there will always be music playing in the background. This is because it creates a more comforting place to shop. Reading is the opposite of this by making us alone with our thoughts and words as our only company.

  • Just like the grocery store you can try adding some soft background music to your reading session.

Too Many Options

There are so many books out there that it can be overwhelming. In psychology, this is called the paradox of choice where the choices that are supposed to be exciting and grant more freedom, end up being time-consuming and stressful.

  • To help make the choice easier, try using websites that have good search engines. This can help you pinpoint the books that interest you more dependably.

Some I have found:


With the vast knowledge available on the internet, I believed that with a quick search I could learn about anything. However, I now know that I was limiting myself. As Stephan Hawking said,

The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.

  • I have come to understand that there is still so much I can learn and with help from the many brilliant authors out there, I will be closer to achieve my goals and ambitions.